5 Strategies to Value What You Have, and Why it’s Important.

We often overlook the beauty in the ordinary, the things we have come to expect as part of our lives. This could be our everyday routines, comforts, or luxuries that we have grown so accustomed to that we tend to undervalue them. However, recognising and appreciating these elements in our lives, no matter how significant or trivial, can deeply enrich our lives.

So, how can we avoid taking things for granted? How can we cultivate a deeper appreciation for life's blessings?
Can we prevent ourselves from becoming someone who doesn't even know how to utter a simple "Cheers, mate!"? In this article, we'll delve into the importance of valuing what we have and more crucially, ways we can cultivate this mindset.

The Importance of Not Taking Life's Blessings for Granted

What's the significance of not taking everything for granted?
From a personal standpoint, failing to appreciate what you have could hinder your ability to connect with others. For instance, if you never express gratitude to a mate, they might be less inclined to lend you a hand when you're in a pickle.

By overlooking the good in our lives, we minimise the positive vibes we send out to our surroundings. After all, if you're not appreciating what you have, why would you ever praise someone or go the extra mile to lend a hand?

On a larger scale, the implications can be more severe.

If everyone across the globe disregarded the positive aspects of life, we'd be in for some serious fallout. People are often quick to voice their dissatisfaction or disappointment. If we only ever share our negative experiences with one another, the world could lose a lot of its positivity. The Principle of Social Reciprocity This is encapsulated by the concept of social reciprocity, which suggests that people tend to respond in kind. If you give someone a hand, they're likely to return the favour. Conversely, if you give someone a dirty look, they're likely to respond with agitation.

This simple principle shapes much of our social interactions, and if we were to eliminate the positive side of this equation, things could take a turn for the worse. So, it's vital not to take life's blessings for granted. Not only will it help you forge positive bonds with those around you, but it also has a ripple effect.

By appreciating what you have, you can inspire those around you to adopt a more positive approach in their interactions with others. The Power of Gratitude If you know someone who tends to undervalue what they have, you might consider them ungrateful.

So, what's the antidote to taking things for granted? It's developing a sense of gratitude for the positive aspects of your life. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to avoid overlooking life's blessings is to practice gratitude. However, it's important to understand the distinction between feeling grateful and expressing gratitude. You can foster a sense of gratitude by simply taking a moment to acknowledge the good things happening in your life. But unless we express this gratitude, we may still come across as someone who overlooks life's blessings.

For example, if a server brings you your drink, you probably feel a sense of satisfaction. But if you don't express this positivity, your server may feel undervalued and leave the interaction without a similar sense of satisfaction. We should distinguish between the sensation of gratitude and the act of expressing it. Only by expressing our gratitude can we share this positivity with those around us. Once again, this is a fundamental aspect of how social reciprocity operates.

Unfortunately, this component is often overlooked. In an intriguing study, researchers discovered that only 15% of conversations include some form of "Cheers, mate". This percentage was even lower in some other languages, suggesting that the frequency with which we express gratitude may depend on the language we speak.

Five Strategies to Stop Taking Things for Granted

So, how can we stop undervaluing life's blessings? How can we embody the kind of person we aspire to be? Here are five strategies to stop overlooking life's blessings and to radiate positivity.

1. Take It Easy

If you're constantly on the go, you might forget to take a moment to appreciate the good in your life. If you want to change that, it's important to occasionally take a breather and recognise how much there is to be grateful for. A handy tip to help you slow down is to stop trying to juggle too many things at once. Multitasking not only hinders productivity, but the constant switch between tasks can also prevent you from being fully present. In other words, by always being busy, you're more likely to undervalue life's blessings.

2. Practice Saying "Cheers, Mate"

Here's a question: do you thank your server when they bring your drinks at a pub? Or when they check up on you during your meal? If not, then that's something you can change. Even though it's their job to assist you, the least you can do is to say "Cheers, mate". Regardless of how routine it seems. This applies to many other seemingly insignificant situations:

  • Give a thumbs up to another driver when they let you merge

  • Thank your coworker for grabbing you coffee

  • Thank your partner for making dinner

  • Thank the cashier when making a payment at the counter

  • etc

These are some of the easiest things to overlook, as they occur daily. Failing to say "Cheers, mate" doesn't necessarily mean you're ungrateful, but it does make you more likely to undervalue life's blessings. Remember, expressing gratitude is more crucial than feeling grateful in these scenarios. And if you've ever served tables, you know how much difference a simple "Cheers, mate" can make. What should you do? Try to acknowledge whenever someone does something positive for you, no matter how minor the act. In other words, seize every opportunity to say thank you. It's better to say thanks unnecessarily than to not say anything at all.

3. Keep a Gratitude Journal

It's easy to overlook life's blessings if we're not even aware of how much good there is in our lives. Keeping a gratitude journal can help us with this. Just take 5 minutes of your day, sit down with a journal, and jot down things that you're grateful for. Practicing gratitude has been associated with a direct 10% boost in happiness, as demonstrated by studies. It doesn't matter what you're thankful for, all that matters is that you acknowledge it and express your gratitude. Practicing gratitude, especially when feeling down, helps us maintain a more balanced and positive outlook. Our emotional subconscious believes whatever story our conscious mind tells it. This is why constant worrying can make us feel so low emotionally. It’s also why changing that narrative with gratitude journaling can lift our spirits. Keeping a gratitude journal is one of the best ways to stop undervaluing life's blessings.

4. Stop Expecting Others to Do Something for You

If you take something for granted, you're essentially expecting it to be there whenever you need it. Not only does this harm your likeability, but it also sets you up for potential disappointment. For example, if you don't think your server deserves a simple "Cheers, mate" while expecting top-tier service, there's a high chance you'll feel disappointed. This can be a negative cycle, as you're more likely to overlook the positive aspects of the service. So, a vital step to stop undervaluing life's blessings is to stop expecting others to do something for you.

5. Be Mindful of the Simple Pleasures in Life

Finally, don't overlook the simple pleasures in life. You can foster a sense of gratitude for the simplest things in life: the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, the feel of soft sheets against your skin, the warmth of the sun on your face, the sound of your favourite song, etc. If you're aware of these simple pleasures, you're less likely to undervalue them. Instead, you'll learn to cherish them and bring more positivity to your life.

To wrap up, we often undervalue life's blessings because we're so accustomed to them being there. However, by practicing gratitude, we can not only stop overlooking these blessings but also become a more positive influence in our surroundings. So, say "Cheers, mate" more often, keep a gratitude journal, be mindful of the simple pleasures in life, and stop expecting others to always do something for you. Remember, the more we express our gratitude, the happier and more fulfilled we become.


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